As is my norm, it takes me a while to build up to a new post. It's 4am, Khaleesi is asleep, and I'm situated across the house with the snoozing hounds (two pits, a Golden, and a Colliehuahua….don't ask, just think Beneful dog) by the blazing gas logs (sorry, Germany).
I just read a nice piece by Cernovich that CA posted on WRSA
I've been back and forth on Cernovich over the years but that screed, IMHO, nails it. His basic premise is that we live in a Failed State, and you're on your own. I have felt this way for some time, so I just chortled (yes, I did) when Senator Low-T Turkey Neck and his GOP minions extolled the virtue of their support for the Omnibus Bill. I'm a real fan of Deadeye Dan.
Mitch and Dan are just doing their part for the MIC and WEF, ahem, the CCP in its War on the West for Global Hegemony. We live in a TINVOWOOT world of rearranging deck chairs. And they will keep rearranging them until the stern slips under the waves, so there's no point to staying on board. Do you REALLY believe your 401(k) is sound? The broad market is touted as largely having recovered from its recent decline, but did your net asset values follow it? Uh-huh. Me neither
Granted, as frequent (and appreciated) commenter Zorost alludes, it's unlikely we will descend into anarchy. The odds seem higher to me that we will enter a period (years, decades, centuries?) of treacherous instability and uncertainty with isolated pockets of stability, both temporally and/or geographically based. Sort of slow-burn anarchy…
Regardless of how it plays out, representative government is over, and as long as those without skin in the game have any say (or, in these legally and ethically-challenged times, believe themselves to have a say), that's probably a good thing. Skin for the game is not only a financial stake, but an intellectual one as well. If the stupid and greedy have any say, or can be made to appear so, we get Clown World. Don't think so? Look around
To paraphrase Solzhenitsyn, we know they're doing it, they know we know they're doing it right in front of our eyes, we know they know we know, yet they still do it, unashamedly so.
And we've done…. Nothing
<Pregnant Pause>
YES, I know it's the afternoon now. I had a couple of post-freeze water leaks to tend to as well as some Board-mandated CME to get finished; it's a measure of how fraudulent the process is when I can complete 61 Self-assessment CEUs in 6 hours, simply because the American Board of Surgery wants to literally force their supplicants to purchase the Wokester American College of Surgeons CME product. It's all about the Benjamins, or whatever you call them when they're digital. Yes, three questions in one section had the answers “equity”, “justice” and “inclusiveness”. Miserable limp-wristed pukes. #whymedicineisFUBAR
But they are the gatekeepers, much like the corruptocracy that directs Leviathan. Health care has its own Deep State; it came of age just prior to the premature ejaculation that was Hillarycare
Just like FedGov, and StateGov, and MuniGov, the carpetbaggers found the money in healthcare and they've been busy sucking its lifeblood away from patient care for three decades. I actually sent this to a physician in Oklahoma this morning
I mean, do you think these mutts are in it for the FEELZ?
I have been railing about it for at least two of those (decades), a lot like Chip Roy cut loose about Omnibus 2022 (5 minutes, worth your time)
It's all the same, and just like the Gordian Knot I wrote about last week, it's all intertwined. But we've got to somehow take MY energy, Chip’s anger and that of many, many others and transmute that into positive action, and I don't think anyone quite knows where to begin. It really is like herding cats. There was actually something on LinkedIn today where some guy was still suggesting reform via term limits. Seriously? Without electoral integrity?
I'm open to suggestions…otherwise it's going to be a long and unpleasant several centuries.
See you on the other side
Don't get sick
Term limits .....that's funny. Until the vast majority come to grips with the notion that would be the equivalent to a snow ball's chance in hell I'm afraid we are at a standstill. I have been hoping the covid shots might snap them out of it but I dunno. My thoughts are as long as Joe Normie has food and a comfortable environment he will resist all conflict. God forbid the event which finally forces them to embrace reality. It will be devastatingly ugly I am certain of it and we are long overdue.
Can't see the future but there's a lot of potential for 2023 to be the year. I have felt a nice passive period upon us ever since Thanksgiving. I have done my best to enjoy it with people I care about. I don't look for the calm to last much longer than January though. The Zelensky freak show few nights ago was proof positive things are getting ready to escalate. The Neocons are going all in. Could have easily began to divert attention away from Russia/Ukraine along with a face saving proposal for peace.
Unfortunately I believe it is do/die for all the players now and peace isn't on the menu. Hope I'm wrong.
Something needs to trigger the normies to understand that elections don't matter but if they haven't figured it out after 2020 and 2022? I don't know for sure what will push them over the edge. On the other hand, thanks to demographics it doesn't really matter at this point as They will be able to "win" without cheating in the next cycle or two.