Great stuff. I also try to avoid the black pill, but it's not easy when reality keeps slapping you in the face.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Henry Schumacher

Hang tough Doc. Put your faith in Jesus because everybody else sucks.

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It wears down on all of us, the soul-crushing grind is part of Their plan. Their insane minions have no lives outside of The Current Outrage but for those of us that do, the juggle is a tough one and it is always tempting to turtle up and hope it goes away.

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Well Said (again) Doc... always remember one thing though:

1) Good Men Die

2) Doc Can't Save Everyone

3) Doc Will Go Thru Hell to Break Rules 1 & 2

Don't let it wear you down man... I'm just a phone call away or flight, your choice.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Henry Schumacher

Be the Apocaloptimist: Someone who knows it's all going to shit but still thinks things will turn out okay.

Steve S6

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May 30, 2023Liked by Henry Schumacher

Life may be just a journey, Henry, and the destination is the more important part, but we all should still try to enjoy the good parts of the trip. Don't punish yourself too much. We all do the best we can with what we've got. I just take things a day at a time knowing that if God has more for me to do, He'll make sure I get there. God bless, brother.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Henry Schumacher

Glad to see you writing again, Pro Gun Fred.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Henry Schumacher

There's two data points I'd like to add and connect.

First I saw on Naomi Wolf' gettr that cancer cases are up 143,000% post injections.


In addition today on WRS that

"The jab contains up to 30% plasmids, some of which create antibiotic resistance genes to kanamycin and neomycin (2 min mark), These are two aminoglycoside class antibiotics that can be used to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis."

Considering that the injections are royally Pfucking up the immune systems of the beginning injectees, and damaging.the CD.8 T Cels, this would in itself be highly concerning.

However, I wonder if the drugs used to treat cancer could also be rendered ineffective by the injections?

Not to mention that with a sudden dramatic up tick in cancer in the post injection world, even if they do work does.the capacity currently exist to produce the needed amount of cancer treatment medications?

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Don't beat yourself up Doc. ER trauma chaplain here.... Had ambulance vs police cruiser yesterday. All rushing to save a drowning kid. Monday morning quarter backing a lot tonight. I didn't pay enough attention to the EMS guys because the cop was gravely injured. I was in way over my head (and knew it) until my three PD chaplain buddies showed up. Some days just suck.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

Glad to hear you're steering yourself out of the storm! I had my "dark night of the soul" various times until I realized that hate is what steels the psyche and fortifies the love for kith, kin and culture. I have, with temperance, been raring for a fight ever since. Never surrender!

Be careful with the L Glutamine, it can amp some people up too much and cause insomnia! May I suggest Phosphatidyl Serine to blunt the cortisol response and Saint John's Wort or L Theanine for the mood regulation.

RFK Jr. is a Pied Piper, just as Trumpenstein was, set up to corral and (temporarily) mollify the desperate whilst the uniparty and their enablers continue to groom white people into extinction. By the way, you forgot to include Reagan in the rogues gallery. As has been repeated many times, in different ways: If you're allowed to vote for them, they ain't worth a damn!

While Asians may be more 'advanced' than the rest of the untermenschen, my golden rule is never trust any non-whites and only about twenty percent (probably less) of whites.

Here's to your recovery!!

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Why did I read this dreck again? Oh yeah. TL;DR

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

I'm 100% in agreement with you about Robert Kennedy, Jr., and Donald Trump.

You should be on the Kunstler podcast, it would be a good conversation.

As for being.depressed, I'm pretty sure that in addition to medical depression, if it actually even exists, there's also situational depression. And you can't cure situational depression without changing the situation.

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Dan Crenshaw is spelled and pronounced "Eye-patch McCain."

Tons of Chinese military aged males pouring in, does that match up with all the low quality Javelins and Stingers that hit the black market in Ukraine?

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man?

Michael Yon and Mat Bracken.

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Did the "democrat" destroyed water system in Jackson ever get un-fornicated?

Dey know how to season dey water...

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