The biggest impediment to my blogposting, other than time and schedule, is the sheer enormity of events and controversies to explore and discuss. I could endlessly bitchpost about what a massive clusterf$%k healthcare has become, but it's beyond redemption, in steady and steep decline and doing such would quickly become tiresome. As an example, like most in the grip of late middle age, I have mild cataracts. I'm considering having them done now with implantable lenses for my nearsightedness, for fear of lack of availability of both product and expertise a decade, or even five years, from now.
When I transitioned from red to black pill in 2008, I became acquainted with a lot of new information, most of which had, embarrassingly for myself, been available for years. The self-induced myopia of my professional focus shut it out. One of those nuggets was the doctrine of Cloward-Piven, penned in the May 1966 issue of The Nation
I have for some time increasingly believed that this strategy is much, much more complicated than affecting just the public welfare and guaranteed income system wet dream of Frances Fox Piven and her (thankfully) deceased husband Richard Cloward.
No, it's dramatically more insidious and pervasive than that. Not just one facet of society. All of them, at once, converging upon us. Imagine the demon child of Piven and Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci, who, more than Marx, Lenin, Mao or Stalin, advanced the cause of world totalitarianism/communism/socialism
It would be easy to point to Obama as that spawn, but he's just, as his then-VP once proudly proclaimed, a “well-spoken” glib tool. The reality is that there are thousands,millions of them planted in our society, culture and their attendant bureaucracies, many of them true believers and vacuously unaware of their roles as useful idiots. We know what happens to them.
But they're not all idiots, are they? For years, I have held that we *collectively*, at all levels of government “service”, seem to consistently elevate the very worst among us to positions of authority and responsibility and then throw up our hands and wonder why it all turns to teetotal s$%t. Some time ago, I learned a new word from James Howard Kunstler
Perfect. Fit.
This week, as Kunstler alluded, just about left my head spinning. Convergance…
Then, as is my routine, during my Saturday morning Koffee with Khaleesi, I surfed the unfolding events of the day to find
and the day was colored by concerns of Russia melting down and the taking rest of the world along with it. Of course, as the day progressed, it became clear that all was not as it seemed. Historically, though, with Russia it hardly ever is
But, was it? Or were we all played?
I hadn't done much digging into Wagner PMC before yesterday but Yevgeny Prigozhin, with no military background and prior stints as a caterer and tech investor seemed an unlikely candidate as a government-toppling Oligarch, er, warlord.
Rumors of this having CIA and MI6 written all over it abound. And that led me ANOTHER new word I learned from Michael Yon
Leading me to the same conclusion as this fella
I don't, and I think most are right there with me, believe anything I see or hear at first glance anymore, and often not on second or third. But the $6.2billion “accounting error” and the rapidly aborted coup by Prigozhin and Wagner with no retribution other than ole Yegevny relocating to Belarus smells like well-paid Kabuki theater. I wonder how many are toasting vodka laughing their asses off right now.
Kinda looks like the J6 Shaman, don't ya think? Maybe, maybe not.
Because history tells me that under normal Russian rules of internal political engagement, Prigozhin would be taking a dirt nap
Most Americans, sadly, just don't want their routines disrupted, unaware that a lot of badness nefariously swirls around us, just waiting for the right Gavrilo Princip moment. They literally CRAVE normalcy, to the exclusion of awareness
I vacillate between the black and white pills. Lately more black than white. Look ‘em up if you don't know. No one can make you pay attention. Only you can wake yourself up. I'm just trying to help.
Love your family. Build your tribe. Prepare them and, as always, don't get sick.
We didn't even touch on the southern border, the dollar, climate, CBDC, the emerging pandemic in China, Taiwan OR the submersible
My general rule of thumb going forward: unless I see it with my own eyes or hear it from someone I know and trust, I assume it is bullshit.
2024 elections hahahahahahahah like Andrew said WAR