Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

The thing is that it's worse than that. DEI is going to bring on board a lot of people who are inept and incompetent. This means that marginal and even average applicants who otherwise would have been enrolled in Med School won't be. So what will happen is that somewhere in the middle there wil be a gap between those applicants who made it on their abilities and those who made it because diversity.

But what will happen to make this worse, is that the grading standards of the institutions will have to be drastically lowered to maintain the charade and diversity, and because they won't dare fail the diversity half of the class. In addition the medical boards will also have to quickly but quietly do the same. After for the same reasons.

And it pains me to say, but when a generation of people for whom everyone gets an award is in an academic setting, even though they may be in the top tier of students that really isn't the same as it used to be. Especially when the college age population is smaller than it was before. But the need for physicians is larger because demographics.

This is all on top of a medical industry that is going to be greatly diminished in the public eye when the truth about the last few years inevitably comes out. Preventing the use of well established medications like HCQ and Ivermectin, which they dam well knew were curative in order to follow the official protocols because that's where the reimbursement money was.

My nephew's wife is a highly trained surgeon in a New York city hospital, NY Pres. And when we asked her if she would prescribe ivermectin to a covid patient if she thought it would cure them, she said no, because the hospital didn't allow it.

They even covered up the information that PepsidAC PeptoBismol and Zantac were better at dealing with covid than Remdesivier.

Which begs the question, what other low cost life saving treatments are hospitals dis allowing in order to increase revenue.

As for me, I wouldn't let her treat my dog for mange, I don't trust her and I don't respect her. Not as a medical professional.

So it's going to get worse, the good news is that the whole medical system as we know it will probably self implode before many of these new Doctors in Diversity come on board.

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When one speaks about the problem with the equality of outcomes wokeism he is necessarily speaking about race. Given the intelligence distribution among the races, if equality of outcomes was the only factor in medical school admissions the numbers would reflect that distribution. It is unhelpful when we make the equality of opportunity argument without reinforcing the argument with real data about human variation. They tell us white people suck and they want less of them. We respond with we are not racist! How silly. An assertive response would be, we dominate medical schools and engineering programs because we are smart, we delay gratification, and we work hard.

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Don't get sick... solid advice

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Excellent essay. My husband graduated medical school and completed residency in the sixties. I never tire of hearing about his never ending “on-call” nights…..and ,as I’m sure you can relate, HE was responsible for whatever outcome occurred….sadly no one is responsible for anything now..no one makes sacrifices to be the best at their profession: methinks the struggle makes the man ….

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I wonder what all the black and mestizo physicians that had to toe the line to pass med school have to think about this "equity" circus. Are they righteously pissed off about their profession becoming an adulterated woke bordello or do they adopt a "we are family, fuck whitey" attitude?

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

This same problem exists in the legal profession. One of the ways it is ameliorated is increasing the number of make-work positions that People of Diversity can be encysted into away from client work. Unfortunately part of the cover for this is to put them into positions whose purpose is to increase the number of diversity hires, which means the problem metastasizes.

There was a big scandal about this about 15 years ago, when several Big Corps found out that their Big Name Law firms which marketed themselves as having lots of diversity had 0 diversity actually working on their cases.

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As a medical librarian, I spent a year in medical education in 1995 where I attended morning reports with all residents of a large, inner city hospital. I can attest to what you are saying about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and the winnowing process. Those practicing medicine today are a far cry from what I saw a quarter of a century ago. It scares me when I think of needing Medical Care in the future.

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Actually, the correct acronym for the woke culture is DIE. Means what it says.


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It's about loyalty, not meritocracy. Such people can be counted upon to do the regime's bidding, to tow the line to any degree needed. Even with legacy doctors the degree to which the medical profession went along with the covid nonsense while ignoring or aggravating the opiate issue is shocking. They must have something even worse planned that will require doctors' approval.

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Yeah, I'm sure they do

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Sadly, there are too many doctors that I would like to buy for what they're worth, and sell them for what they think they're worth.

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Hubris is not in short supply

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See the same 'equity mindset' being foisted to the engineering disciplines. It is no longer STEM but STEAM where they add the artists.

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